At the end of 2014 RARIS started the activities of connecting potential partners interested in Serbia – Romania cross-border cooperation projects for which the call is expected in the middle of 2015. After a number of meetings held with the representatives of local institutions and organizations in Drobeta-Turnu Severin and Craiova, two meetings were recently held in Serbia.

The first meeting was held in Negotin at the end of February. In that meeting the representatives of Drobeta-Turnu Severin from Romania and the representatives of the municipality of Negotin, through intermediary services of RARIS, agreed on a possible partnership in three infrastructure projects.

The second meeting was held in the premises of RARIS in Zajecar at the beginning of March 2015. The meeting was attended by the representatives of AROTT (Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation), the representatives of four nongovernmental organizations from the district of Bor and by RARIS, as the host. Potential joint projects were agreed upon according to the possibilities and interests, while the established dynamics of further activities is aimed at timely preparations. On a wider list there are currently eight projects which can be discussed, with the possibilities of their realization looked into.

We can conclude that these meetings had the following results: the two sides established their first contact, potential partners were defined according to the fields of interest, the dynamics for further activities was established and each participant in the talks was delegated certain responsibilities.

New meetings with partners in Craiova were held on 15th of April 2015 in which potential joint projects and partners were specified. Joint work on project preparation will continue in the forthcoming period.

RARIS will continue to provide intermediary services in this cooperation and will assist in the preparation of projects with a common goal – development of our region.




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